Saturday, December 17, 2016


For the third month in a row, a large hole in the sun's atmosphere is turning toward Earth. NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory photographed the yawning structure on Dec. 16th:
This is the same coronal hole that lashed Earth's magnetosphere with solar wind on Oct. 25-28 and again on Nov. 23-26.   It is spinning around with the sun, strobing Earth lighthouse-style every ~27 days. The last two times we experienced its solar wind, intermittant G1-class geomagnetic storms and bright auroras were observed in the Arctic. A repeat performance is likely when the solar wind returns on Dec. 20-22.

Geomagnetic storms and solar flares that we experience from time to time can cause cause body aches and pains along with earaches, headaches, itchy eyes, stomach trouble and/or heat on the top of the head and sometimes  in the spine. Many people experience inflammation in the body from these incoming energies. Curcumin tabs help with inflammation as well as Omega 3.  If the inflammation is in the stomach and intestines it is best to cut back on food intake somewhat and drink extra water. Any food that is acidy seems to agrivate the situation... such as coffee or black tea.    Ginger/Lemon tea helps with inflammation instead. Ginger ale helps with stomach upsets.  For anxiety:  Olive  and Aspen from Bach Flower Remedies. ( I like the natural cures.)

If you are experiencing itchy skin or welts, camphor cream helps immensely. FYI itchy skin can also be a sign of dehydration.
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