Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Conditions are ripe for an earthquake of the order 8R as we approach 23rd May!

The perfecting yet again of the square between Saturn with Jupiter in May 23rd has incubated the right conditions for some very strong earthquakes, approaching 8R somewhere on the globe. Places to watch out include Vanuatu Regions Afghanistan/Pakistan, and Mexico. It will  interesting to see if the corresponding plates are loaded enough to release such energy and where. Let us hope it will fizzle out in smaller ones as it is likely that the earthquake activity increases towards the end of the month.. The expectation of an earthquake in this order should not be a surprise, as it was a few days ago when we posted from a conference on earthquakes in CA where they reported that we should expect something in CA sooner than we thought. Whatever happens, we hope to post again regarding this.

You can read our methodology here.

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