Thursday, November 26, 2015

In the line of duty: IGP seeks help for families of policemen

PESHAWAR: IGP Nasir Khan Durrani is taking steps to help families of elite force officials who were killed in a landslide in Mansehra following the October 26 earthquake.  This was stated in a handout issued on Thursday.

“These policemen died while trying to rescue earthquake victims,” read the document. “The IGP had filed a request with the finance department to ensure their families receive funds as part of the Shuhada package. However, the request was turned down.”


Four elite force constables were posted at a check post in a remote village in Besar in Mansehra. The earthquake that ripped through the region led to a massive landslide in the region. Elite force constables were directed to rescue the miners whose basecamp was buried under an avalanche. Snowfall blocked all access routes, and the police officials and miners were left stranded. Though they managed to rescue a large number of people, many officials were buried under an avalanche.

Although officials from National Disaster Management Authority and Pakistan Army tried to save them, weather conditions made it difficult to carry out a rescue operation.

Bodies of three elite force constables – Constable Anwar Ali, Constable Shahzad and Constable Nasir – were recovered in a search operation led by the Pakistan Army in
the area.

In another incident, Niaz Muhammad, an elite force constable, died while trying to rescue a child who had fallen into a well in Hangu. Muhammad was going home after work when he passed by the crowd where the incident happened. He jumped into the well to save the child from drowning. He tried to climb down the well using the rope attached to the pulley of the well. However, the rope broke and Muhammad died.

Compensation package

The IGP had taken notice of these incidents and filed a request with the provincial finance department. The request was turned down on a technicality. However, the IGP has taken up the issue again and has requested the provincial government to approve a special compensation package for payment of the salaries till superannuation and the enlistment of a legal heir as a constable. A monetary grant of Rs1 million will also be provided under the package.
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