Tuesday, November 8, 2016

NEPAL: A small study of 9th November 2016

 Good Morning to all my friends in NEPAL! It is this time again where we give you another report on possible aftershock which is due according to our FDL method of prediction. As always we should not panic but we should be wise to take a little extra care when it is likely times for such natural phenomena where people can do nothing to stop them from happening. Maybe one day science can stop earthqukes but for now we just need t know when they come and be ready for them.
So my friends, you all have seen the November Nepal Calendar, and the method shows a peak tomorrow.
1:    DATE:  9th November 2016, possible also 10th November 2016.

Using our method we locate 3 areas of higher probability, A,B, C as shown in the map above.
More details on A,B  are shown below:

and for C location, see below:
 Location A and B are near the places Shreepur Chhatiwan (A), Mahendrajhayadi (B) and location C is near Moli as shown in the maps above.

The coordiantas are
A: (27.23N, 85.18E)
B: (27.23N, 85.58E)
C: (27.23N, 86.51E)
Our method also shows the more likely location of all three is C: (near Moli).

3. TIME: On this occasion time is harder to determine, but If it comes tomorrow likely times are: 04:52GMT or 12:57 GMT or 20:43GMT
If it come Thursday then it could come at 05:51GMT or 07:21GMT or 21:16 GMT

4. MAGNITUDE: Possible magnitude is 4.5-5R

As an independent check we use the cloud structure and we see

We give you three extra images of the region around Kathmandu for the dates 11 days, 12 days and 13 days before the 9th Nov.  The following cloud straucture supports what we find which is the likely places are SE of Kathmandu as we find with our FDL method.
 12 days back (27th October),

 and 13 days back from Nov. 9th, i.e. 26th October, see below. There seems to be consistent cloud pattern here.

As always there is a possibility that it wont come so there is absolutely no need to panic.

Be Safe Be Good.

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