Saturday, May 21, 2016

The Indian Coast Cyclone Eye has moved to Bangladesh!

Looking at the Satellite imagery of the cyclone we have been observing over the last 2 days, we see it has moved further north of the coastal line and it is now in Bangladesh. If anybody is from there let us know how is it?  

GDACS daily newsletter for 20/05/2016

From 18/05/2016 to 20/05/2016, a Tropical Storm (maximum wind speed of 102 km/h) ROANU-16 was active in NorthIndian. The cyclone affects these countries: India, Bangladesh, Myanmar (vulnerability High). Estimated population affected by category 1 (120 km/h) wind speeds or higher is 0
 Across the Globe, we can see in the Pacific some cyclone formation and also near Iceland North..

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