Saturday, October 31, 2015

VERY INTERESTING! The Largest Earthquake SPIRAL of the WORLD!

We would like to give our readers not only earthquake events that happen instantly, but also pieces of research which we do based on our own developed software. In the following map we show you the EARTHQUAKE SPIRAL of the WORLD!!! Some may not have realized it and certainly you don't find this in many sources touted aloud. So here is what we have done. We display only the >6 R earthquakes (2013-2015) on the world map in yellow dots. Using our software we then did a simple thing. We placed a set of equidistant concentric circles on the globe (geodesic) with center on the equator somewhere in the BANDA SEA. This is revealing as so many earthquakes  fit the circles!! Look at New Zealand!! It virtually lies along one of the circles and furthermore the island itself fits the circle, not just the earthquake clusters.
What is also amazing is we can fit the red lines across the green circles and we have three lines placed. We can clearly see the three leg spiral formed, the largest SPIRAL in the world?!!!!!  It is beautiful how the earth and nature works those out and it is most satisfying to discover the wonders of the world! Have a Good Day!

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